Latest PTA News & Events
Join our eNewletter
The PTA publish a regular newsletter, sent to all parents and carers of children at Wickham Common Primary School. This keeps you up to date on the latest PTA events including school discos, summer fair, Christmas Fair, non-uniform days, and other fundraising activities. Please subscribe to our newsletter to be informed of our upcoming events using this link Wickham Common Primary School PTA (list-manage.com)
Second hand uniform sales
We all know how expensive it can be to kit out our kids for them to lose or damage it! It's not always practical to put the clothing we have outside the school for you to try and find your way through for items that will fit, so we are offering an Email service for you to enquire what we have in particular sizes or styles and we will get the items to you for FREE!
If you would like to request some Second-hand Uniform please email uniformwickhamcommonpta@gmail.com letting us know what you would like and the sizes required. We will respond with any items available and arrange how to get them to you!
Additional Fund Raising
Money is raised through a variety of activities, not just the big events. We are always looking for new ideas so PLEASE let us know if you have any suggestions. You can email us at WickhamCommonPTA@gmail.com
Some of the other regular activities are highlighted on our Fund Raising page.