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Achieving Excellence for Every Child, Every Day.

Respectful. Resilient. Resourceful.

Ofsted and Performance Data


Please find below our most recent Ofsted reports, and relevant information from the Department for Education Performance Tables.

The following are some extracts from our recent (November 2023) Ofsted Report:

Pupils have very positive attitudes towards their learning. The school offers a wide range of popular activities, including art, drama and music. Many pupils learn to play a musical instrument. All pupils develop their learning in the school’s wooded area and in local woods.

The curriculum ensures that pupils develop key skills across subjects, broadening pupils’ minds, and helping them to think critically about the world.

Staff are well motivated to develop their practice in order to meet the needs of all pupils and accelerate pupils’ progress further.

The school benefits from a strong team of knowledgeable and effective governors.

Work in pupils’ books shows that leaders have extended the opportunities that pupils have to write regularly across a wide range of curriculum subjects.

Our most recent Ofsted report - November 2023

Ofsted Reports

Pupil Attainment

Due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, most exams and assessments did not take place in 2019/20 or 2020/21. As a result of this, the government announced that it would not publish school or college level results data in Autumn 2020 or Autumn 2021.

For the Department for Education approach to school and college accountability, performance tables and data during the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak please click on the link below:

Performance Tables

Attainment at Yr 6 2022-23 Wickham Common National
Pupils who achieved Expected standard in Reading, Writing and Maths combined 87% 59%
Pupils who were working at Greater Depth in Reading, Writing and Maths combined 15% 9%
Average Scaled Score (The score is an average for pupils in the school. The expected standard is a score of 100 or more. The higher standard is 110 or more)    
Reading 109 105
Maths 108 104

Progress Scores - The academic progress that pupils make from the end of key stage 1 to the end of key stage 2 

  Progress Scores (from the end of KS1 to the end of KS2) Confidence Interval
Reading 2.4 0.8-4.0
Writing 2.0 0.5-3.6
Maths 2.5 1.0-4.0



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