School Values
At Wickham Common we aim to develop successful learners, confident individuals and responsible citizens.
In order to achieve this we:
- provide a stimulating, relevant and enjoyable learning environment;
- have clearly articulated, high expectations of all children;
- nurture the potential in every child;
- promote positive attitudes to learning;
- provide opportunities for children to learn and practise transferable skills;
- recognise that children achieve in different ways and celebrate their different successes;
- encourage children to value one another and to value the world in which they live and in which we are all interdependent,
so that every child:
- feels safe and secure and has a positive self-image;
- values, enjoys and succeeds in learning;
- becomes independent and self-motivated;
- develops the ability to cooperate and to contribute to the work of others;
- develops a lively, enquiring mind with the ability to reason and to question;
- develops an understanding of the world and of other people;
- acquires an understanding of social and moral attitudes and beliefs;
- acquires the concepts, knowledge and skills which will enable them to enjoy, contribute to, and be adaptable in, a changing world.