Weekly News
Please view our newsletters below:
- WCPS weekly bulletin 14th February 2025pdf
- WCPS weekly bulletin 7th February 2025pdf
- Newsletter 03.02.25pdf
- WCPS weekly bulletin 31st January 2025pdf
- WCPS weekly bulletin 24th January 2025pdf
- WCPS weekly bulletin 17th January 2025pdf
- Letter 23.1.25pdf
- WCPS weekly bulletin 10th January 2025pdf
- Parents Evening Letter Spring 2025pdf
- MSLT SBN Proposal FAQs (1)pdf
- WCPS weekly bulletin 20th December 2024pdf
- Newsletter 13.12.24pdf
- Autumn Term Sports Report - 13.12.24pdf
- Lower School Choir - renewal letter 12th Dec 2024pdf
- Key Diary Dates Spring 24-25pdf
- Thursday 19th Christmas Menu 2024 (1) (1) (1)pdf
- WCPS weekly bulletin 6th December 2024pdf
- WCPS weekly bulletin 29th November 2024.docxpdf
- WCPS weekly bulletin 22nd November 2024pdf
- WCPS weekly bulletin 15th November 2024pdf
- Newsletter 08.11.24pdf
- Newsletter 18.10.24pdf
- Weekly bulletin 11th October 2024pdf
- Weekly bulletin 20th September 2024pdf
- Weekly bulletin 4th October 2024pdf
- Parental Survey Response October 24-25pdf
- Newsletter 27.09.24pdf
- Weekly Bulletin 13th September 2024pdf
- Parental Code of Conductpdf
- Newsletter 06.09.24pdf
- Newsletter 04.09.24pdf
- Communication pathways school to parents 24-25pdf
- Communication pathways parents to school 24-25pdf
- Behaviour Categoriespdf
- Weekly Bulletin 20th September 2024pdf
- Weekly Bulletin 12th July 2024pdf
- Online Gaming Flyerpdf
- Mosaic School Learning Trustpdf
- Staffing 2024/2025pdf
- Seesawpdf